I enjoy chatting to clients from the moment I meet them – I’ve seen it all before, so I encourage them to just relax as we talk through the best treatments and procedures. Each treatment, like each body, is different. And I approach every client with what’s best for them alone.


Selected publications & videos by Dr Adrian Lim

Acne Scars

Acne scarring

By Adrian Lim (Australian Advanced Aesthetics)

It can create several types of scars, including elevated, pitted and shallow types. Older forms of treatment have now been superseded by laser resurfacing; fractional resurfacing is a major advance in

this area and means a faster healing time. Treatments can also be up to 70% effective in repairing acne scars.

Download the full article, Acne Scars (Australian Advanced Aesthetics, here.

Why good skin need not cost a fortune

Quotes by Adrian Lim (The Sun Herald)

“The bottom line is most products don’t deliver”, Adrian Lim from the college said. “There’s a huge gap between what’s proven to be effective.”…

Download the full article, Why good skin need not cost a fortune, here.

Natural Beauty Tips for Women over 50

By Adrian Lim (Healthy & HeartWise)

More so now, than a generation ago, women aged 50 and over, are busier than ever with their careers, family and social lives. Today, we generally maintain better health and may feel fabulous, but our skin can betray how we feel, by losing its glow and developing wrinkles and spots as we age…

Download the full article, Natural Beauty Tips for Women over 50, here.


Tips and Tricks

By Adrian Lim (ninemsn)

What do you need to know before committing to cosmetic surgery? Consultant dermatologist and phlebologist Dr Adrian Lim lists the 10 most important things to consider…

Download the full article, Tips & Tricks, here.


Myth Busters

Point 10 by Adrian Lim (Bulletin with Newsweek)

Myth: Don’t cross your legs or you’ll get varicose veins.

Australian College of Phlebology spokesman Dr Adrian Lim says genetics are the main factor and there’s no known way to prevent varicose veins if you’re predisposed…

Download the full article, Myth Busters, here.


Mask of Pregnancy

By Adrian Lim (Medical Observer)

A 29-year-old woman presents with a mottled facial hyper-pigmentation that started during her pregnancy. She is 12 months post-partum and the appearance has only improved slightly. She has tried many different over-the-counter fading creams with no significant improvement. She is currently on the oral contraceptive pill. How can this woman be helped?…

Download the full article, Mask of Pregancy, here.

Acne scar treatment

By Adrian Lim (Medical Observer)

Treatments for acne scarring have improved dramatically over recent years. A 42-year-old Asian male presents with moderate acne scarring and requests treatment. The scarring is present on the areas of the face that were previously affected by acne, the cheeks, temples and forehead. How can this man be help?…

Download the full article, Acne scar treatment, here.


The Plethoric Face

By Adrian Lim (Medical Observer)

A 55-year-old man with rosacea presents with facial erythema and telangiectasias. He is perturbed by the flushed appearance and the perception that he drinks too much. How can this man be helped?…

Download the full article, The Plethoric Face, here.